
The ISB sponsors exchange fellowships to promote collaborations and exchanges between groups working in the field of biocuration. The fellowship will fund the visit of a biocurator, software engineer, developer, post-doc, or someone with a biocuration affiliated role, to another laboratory or organization with long experience in biocuration. This visit constitutes a unique opportunity to learn new methods, experience biocuration in different settings and/or in different fields, and to establish mutually beneficial collaborations across groups and disciplines. Applications are also welcome from persons not already involved in biocuration to learn biocuration from a laboratory or organization performing biocuration.

The exchange fellowship will cover travel and accommodation expenses during the exchange with a total up to CHF 2,000.

Application requirements

The applicant has to be an active ISB member.

Applications may be submitted by applicants at any level of their career.

Exchange fellowships are not awarded for exchanges between two laboratories within the same funded consortium or same city. 

This fellowship will only be awarded to any single recipient one time.

If awarded, the recipient will be required to write a 400-word report informing the ISB membership about the outcomes of the exchange and provide a relevant photograph. This report must be provided no later than 30 days after the end of the exchange. The report and photograph will be posted on the ISB website and Newsletter,  circulated to the ISB distribution list and promoted via Twitter and Mastodon.


The applicant should first contact the laboratory that they would like to visit. To apply, the hosting institution and the candidate will send a brief description of the purpose of the exchange, including the benefits expected to be achieved by the exchange. The application should also contain a budget for estimated travel and accommodation. 

Applications may be submitted at any time (i.e. there are no deadlines) and will be subject to funding availability. A panel recruited from the EC and nominated external expert biocurators will review the applications and designate recipients.

The award will normally be paid out retrospectively, on provision of receipts, but can be funded in advance in exceptional circumstances. International Society for Biocuration grants are only made subject to the availability of funds and are not guaranteed in any one year.

Apply here

An individual can only be awarded one Microgrant or Inclusivity Grant or Exchange Fellowship.


The award notification will be sent via email within 4 weeks of application.

Past Fellowship Recipients

Luana Licata (2018) read her fellowship report here.

Randi Vita (2019) read her fellowship report here.

Julieth Murillo  (2021) read her fellowship report here.